Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Big day in Manhattan

This is not in order at all.

We went to Strawberry Fields, the John Lennon memorial. There were no strawberries that I could see. There were people stoned out of their mind and rolling more joints. Grr.

Strawberry Fields is near the Museum of Natural History. Hannah remembered going there with Haley.

I think this is the dinosaur that came to life in "Night at the Museum." Dinosaurs are BIG!

We went to FAO Scwartz. That's ok, but Toys R Us was awesome! They have a ferris wheel inside. I don't know why some pics are little and some are big. Sorry.


  1. How FUN!!! Hannah is getting so big...

    I think it's funny that FAO Schwartz was just OK and Toys R Us was the big deal. I thought FAO Schwarts in NYC was LEGENDARY.

  2. LOL, hey SIS. The dino that came to life was a T rex..unless in the second movie there was another dino that also became animated..

    Your pics are wonderful and Hannah seems to be enjoying her time in NYC...but we sure do miss you all...
