Monday, August 3, 2009

White House, Capitol

Don't mess with these guys. They were on the roof of the White House. Intimidating dudes.

You can see the Capitol building from most places in DC. It's always beautiful.

Hannah has figured out how to make silly picture poses.

Here we were on a tour bus. This bus was held together with gum and dental floss. It started raining and everyone dashed down to the bottom of the double-decker bus. That only helped for 3 minutes. After that, the rain started pouring down on us through the holes in the floor. If you ride on a double decker tour bus in NYC or DC or probably anywhere where they drive on the right side of the road, ride on the left side of the bus. Otherwise you are VERY likely to get smacked in the face by low hanging tree branches. Oh, and we couldn't walk up to where I had taken the photos of Hannah earlier in the day. They wouldn't let folks get too close because Obama was having a beer. Can you see the protesters?

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Here we are next to the Capitol. We toured it. Awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You trusted someone to stand that far away from you with your camera.....Texans!
